Go Outside!

Gerald Clark
2 min readJun 6, 2022

Welcome back to my collection of thoughts during a super weird time in my life! My goal with these articles is to hopefully give folks in my same situation or something similar something to relate to. Life is weird out here dude.

Day 2 was an interesting one. Luca was not really feeling it all day. He has been shoving his fingers in his mouth to the point of choking lately. I suspect the beginning stages of teething? He is only 3 months old though. Maybe having found his hands is the most insane thing ever to him and the way he copes with that is by shoving them in his mouth. WHO KNOWS?!

We were feeling rather couped up the other day though. I finished my Game Design Doc for my most recent contract, Wrote up some quotes for some people needing audio work, and started on a dialog system for another project I was working on. Needless to say, he slept a LOT that day. While he was awake he was in a constant state of panic, irritability, grouchiness, etc. All while cramming his hands in his mouth.

To remedy our feeling couped up, I just took Luca to the local park and walked around with him. A change of scenery can do a lot for a baby. He instantly calmed down. It did a lot for me as well. Getting out and about, seeing other people dealing with the exact same thing as me brought me back to a state of mind where everything seemed more human.. if that makes sense.

I spend most of my day staring at a computer screen. I punch in a bunch of code and the computer does what I want it to do. I feel like sometimes that might effect my version of reality at that moment.

My biggest regret that day was the fact that I did not bring a pacifier with me!!! He was calm, smiling, giggling, having a grand ol’ time until we got back in the car. On the way home he was screaming in the back seat. We got home and figured it out and then mommy came home! From then he was happy as could be.

Sometimes if you’re having a rather bleh day or you have an attitude with everyone you speak to, try taking a step outside. Put the phone down. Enjoy the day. You only get a specific amount of them. Everyday goes by and the SubtractDay() runs where yourDays--; and theres NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

You CAN just try to enjoy them. Going outside is a good place to start. :) I hope you got something out of this. If you are enjoying these short articles so far and you are interesting in Unity game development you should check out some of my other articles! Also feel free to shoot over some links to your stuff. I’d be happy to check it out! Until next time! Aloooooohaaaaa.



Gerald Clark

Father Game Developer Music Composer Sound Designer